MEAN or MERN Stack is a Javascript based full stack development platform.
This stack is used by more than 70% software development companies.
Javascript is the most adopted and used computer programming language nowadays.
Typically in a web application there will be at least three tiers. Front-End,
Middle ware and Persistence Tier.
Traditionally in web applications, Views are created using generation of HTML elements.
There HTML generation was done by running some server side logic/code.
It is a waste of resource and dealy in response, When the same view is generated
multiple times to different users. It is good to have all these views are pre-constructed
and download it from some static web-servers instead of really to hit the application.
Thus the load on the application will be less. There will be typically mutliple facaded
web servers where by these staic assets are deployed or it will be pushed to CDN networks.
MEAN Stands for four different technologies such as:MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js
Our NodeJS syllabus contains Data Analytics and Big Data using Javascript and Visualisation
with D3JS. Get familarise with MongoCharts which an analytical tool for embedding analytics
in web applications. We also cover data analytics and Datawrangling with Javascript.
MongoDB is a NoSQL document based Data base. It facilitate Master/Slave configuration
in a better cluster topology like replications and sharding. To have huge volume of
data to search and filter or aggregate MongoDB is the best choice. MongoDB stores data
in JSON/BSON format. Since multiple Slave Servers will be n a replication, the data
is better to store and retrieved faster from these replication servers.
Express is a framework which is used to build web applications using Node.js. There
are many frameworks built on top of Express such as Loopback.
Angular is a Javascript based framework to deploy single page browser applications.
Typescript is the major topic covered and the application will be developed using it.
Angular makes the web application looks like desktop in terms of richness and robustness.
Reactjs is a Javascript based framework to deploy single page browser applications like
Angular. Reactjs may be preferred from small to medium web applications. As in Angular
there are many default enabled features may not be required for small but high speed
web sites. Thus Reactjs and flexible framework works like Redux, Flux etc. can be more
Node is a platform which can execute Javascript codes. Traditionally Javascript was a
language used only at Client side (Browser). However Node will help we can write a javascript
application that can run as a server as well. Node has many good framework to build the
web application faster. Express is one of them. However there are more extended
version of Express is also available like Loopback.