Advanced Python Programming (2 Months)
Complete Python programming with Advanced features like Django programming, Visualization
using Seaborn and matplotlib graphs, Data re-shaping with NumPy and Pandas.
Expertzlab is the best python training academy in Kochi.
Django Web adn REST Programming
Web service API and User based management.
Admin role / user role authentication, user creation, password,
password reset.
Web Site Development Skills
HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap. The essential web site development tool kits.
We take you through various design and stylesheet tricks and advanced skills
that will enable you to be a professional web application developer.
Web site development is not only just technology. But there are lot of design and Creative
aspect around it. Ability to apply good styles and layout is key. Expertzlab is the the
best python academy in Kochi which has courses with these features blended. Means not only
highly advanced cutting technology, but it will be trained with asethetic and style/layout
defining skills.
Advanced JavaScript
Advanced JavaScript includes the most important and highly advanced concepts like
Prototype object, Object level extraction, JavaScript Patterns, Charts and Visualizations.
Our python courses is not just Python alone. It makes you full stack developer. It goes to
advanced concept of using Javascript in the front page and use the excellent libraries like Jquery
which will make you Ajax development possible. Expertzlab is thus considered the best python training
academy in Kochi.
Angular & ReactJS
UI components runs as a seperate Javascript application built
either in Angular or ReactJS.
Cloud Computing
Can you believe it how Expertzlab the number one python training company and academy
helps their interns to be an experts that too free.
At Expertzlab software training company, Palarivattom Kochi, we provide absolutely 30,000 worth
AWS cloud computing free the Python training course!! Thus Expertzlab IT training centers course
becomes the best in the city. The syllabus contains:
AWS hosting, Regions and Zones, Availability Group, AMI, Load Balancing, Docker,
Kubernetes, ESB, S3 Bucket, AMI Security configuration, RDS, MongoDB, Serverless
Lambda, SQS, Beanstalk, lightsail.
Free Data Analysis with Full stack Python
Use Web scraping technique like Scrapy and Beautiful soup to scrape data
Store it in various file system and do data analytics using python scripting.
Use NumPy, Pandas, Scipy to analyze data like cricket score, medical analysis etc.