Advanced Python Programming (2 Months)
Complete Python programming with Advanced features like Django programming, Visualization
using Seaborn and matplotlib graphs, Data re-shaping with Numpy and Pandas.
Machine Learning SciKit Learn (2 Months)
Machine Learning Libarary that supports, Regression, Logistic Regression, Classification,
Clusterig, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Statistical algorithms and probability distributions.
Deep Learning TensorFlow and Keras (2 Month)
The number one choice of programmers to implement the Deep Learning Use cases. Direct acyclic
Graphs are used to store the relationships.
Python based Deep Learning extension over Tensorflow. Keras is widely used for
Neural network topology planning, training and execution. CNN, RNN, LSTM and other
advanced artificial nueral network use cases can be implemented using Keras Easily.
Virtual Reality with Gen AI (4 Months)
GAN, Advanced NLP, Generative AI, Large Language Models (LLM),
Text Generation, Image Generation, Video Generation,
Transformers, Attention and Word Embedding,
Positional Encoding,
Foundation Model and fine tuning, Prompt and Context configuration,
Introduction to AWS SageMaker and Bedrock
Cloud Computing (2 Months)
AWS hosting, Regiions and Zones, Availablity Group, Load Balancing, Docker,
Kubernetes, ESB, S3 Bucket, AMI Security configuration, RDS, MongoDB etc.