The general HTML is not enough. Now refactoring HTML to various patterns
are very much needed to be a successful web developer and designer. There
are a lot of recommendations to use which HTML tags on what occasions. For
example HTML elements are categories into block and inline. Overlay of HTML
elements, Lay-outing HTML best practices, transition and animations,
SEO and responsive styles and features etc are thoroughly discussed.
CSS3, BootStrap, Material
CSS is now very robust a way lot better than other frameworks like
BootStrap or Material. The frameworks like Less or similar is not
that needed now as CSS3 itself has alternatives to that. Flex and Grid Layouts
are discussed with numerous examples. The display styles like content-box,
border-box associated with fit-content options are practices with appropriate
examples. Responsive features, CSS Box Model, inter-browser issues,
embedding best practices, Server Side call Ajax elements, Status codes,
iframes, CSS Selectors, Inheritance of styles, Navigation Bars, Border Styles,
Unites like em, rem, wv, hv, font and line weight, Text and Border shadow, blur
radius, Text decorations, Text-transforms, Positioning Fixed, Absolute and Sticky,
Floating, Menu using flex and grid, align items, flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-item,
order group, min-max, min-content, overflow, fit-content, grid-templates, grid-gap,
justify etc.
JavaScript is not only a versatile language now, is the best and the hot
technology now. No developer can survive without mastery of JavaScript.
From the earlier use of JavaScript which was used as just client side
validation to a full-grown server side language is a tremendous change.
With the advent of Node.js JavaScript is not only a client side language
now, it is heavily used in Server Side as well.
We cover in depth features of JavaScript. Its prototypical inheritance
feature, Constructor functions, and prototype are unique features that makes
JavaScript different and king of programming languages. Expertzlab IT training
in Kochi covers every bit and pieces of JavaScript that too with through
examples. As you know we believe in practice and thus numerous exercises
and samples are discussed in the class, and you practice with that as well.
The advanced features like closures, wrapper classes, self executable
methods, modules, Prototype chains, higher order functions, functional programming
features of JavaScript, arguments, destructuring of arrays and objects,
Function call and apply with context object, dict pattern, RegEx, Wrappers and
Literals, immutable objects and uses, slice and splice of arrays,
function parameters, lambda or arrow functions, Promise framework, Object
oriented JavaScript, default values, variable scoping and hoisting etc. are
discussed in details with good examples.
ES6 to ES9 Features of JavaScript and TypeScript
JavaScript has a lot of additions in the latest versions. Not only the ES5 features
but also the latest features like generator functions, interceptors, Proxy classes,
Advanced destructuring, Modules, import and export, Named and Default Exports, Async and
wait structures, Iterable with next method, String template and tagged handlers, Symbols,
Computed Properties and Object Literals, Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap, Serialization issues with
Map and Set, Spread and Rest Operators and uses, comparison and typical usage examples. Object.assign,
Object.defineProperties, Enumerable Properties, Object.Freeze, Flattening, multi-arity functions,
Angular Routers
Angular has specific routing technique and that can be arranged hierarchically.
Our IT training contains numerous samples and hands-on examples to arrange
Angular routers in different manner. You will be practicing with parent-child
relationships of routers with router spread patterns.
Angular Custom Components
We take you to the deeper and more in depth coverage on building custom components.
Not only the regular components that we generate for various business logic but
also for custom directives, pipes, Modules etc. We practice the directives custom
components for pagination and multi-component view generations. For example
you will practice placing multiple views (forms/buttons) programmatically and
iteratively creating lists and pagination.
Hierarchical Pages using Angular
Using Angular we will create a full-grown project with various pages includes
product listing, product detail, product edit and update. The respective data
will be send over DB like fireDB. The navigation and history of pages will
be maintained with Angular features like Intern and Child pages.
Declarative style of property sync between components are key here.
Node.js for working with Angular
A platform like Angular is well integrated with Nodejs for developer convenience.
Developer and build time features are more integrated with NodeJS. Packaging,
web development related features are thorougly discussed.